Wednesday, 26 March 2025

It does make me want to do a Big Team superhero game again...


Oh, so no Marvels. :(

Well, it probably isn’t everybody, right...?

Avengers: Doomsday

The Avengers: Doomsday cast reveal video is strange enough that it’s probably good I haven’t found a convenient meme blank for the actor chairs.

“They’re bringing back Runaways?”
“Didn’t they recast her? Twice?”
“Cary Grant?”

“... Oswald the Lucky Rabbit?”

Faith Erin Hicks's The Mummy

Writer and artist Faith Erin Hicks has adapted The Mummy for Universal, issue one out now! Interview and preview here. And we see more gore in one panel than the original film!

Daredevil: Born Again 1.05-06

Strange to find myself thinking an episode of Daredevil was delightful, but here we are.

A classic setup, clever use of powers, and a surprising and fun guest star. (In an episode with some violence and language they would never be near in their home stories.)

So I suppose it being so standalone explains the double bill with a heavy arc episode.

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

It's gone. It's done.

On 25 March of the 3019th year of the Third Age, the Ruling Ring was dissolved in the flames of the Crack of Doom, and Sauron was defeated.

Sunday, 23 March 2025

V5 Empire 2.06

Tonight in Vampire: The Masquerade - Empire there was a frank exchange of views, and not punches or bullets.

Can’t have everything.
Dreamed of a gang of vampire children trying to get into a hunter compound.

Five years again

Five years since lockdown measures came in, with another three days to ignore them.

Saturday, 22 March 2025

V5 Empire update

Have now reached the not inevitable but quite common phase in Vampire: The Masquerade chronicle planning where Johnny Cash goes on the playlist.

Bloodlines 2 update

A merry Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 announcement anniversary to all who celebrate! It has just been rated Mature by ESRB, indicating there is enough to show the ratings board.

Friday, 21 March 2025

The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Identity and following series could be due another adaptation from another studio (per Empire).

For those about to rage about reboots, the Matt Damon films started with the second adaptation of Identity, just fourteen years after the first.

PCs with amnesia is one of the classic one-shot RPG setups, and the Damon series built up a world of agency brainwashing and the need to break out to become a better person. This factored somewhat into Vampire for me, as scary outsiders with secrets will.

The fast, brutal style of the action did a lot to update spy movies and spread into action overall, before shakycam became too choppy in other hands.

Damon did a lot to ground it, with Bourne taking smart shortcuts as well as scared fight-or-flight reactions, and I remember my sympathetic reaction to his panic, not yet thirty myself and thinking “he’s just a kid...” as so many people sent into war are.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

This future sucks

Delighted (not delighted) to discover I am in LibGen due to the Trinity Continuum core rulebook.

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox. Doesn’t feel like it.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025


D&D VTT Sigil has been cancelled, likely staying as a D&D Beyond accessory but getting no further development, with most staff fired.

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Knutepunkt 2025

Knutepunkt Nordic LARP conference 2025 has publiched its annual essay book and linked to its panel video, with individual videos to follow.

The Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser essay comparing it to blockbuster LARPs is a lot more positive than some, partially reflecting a late visit with a lot of the technical issues ironed out.

Other features and games played at the event include pieces written in response to current events including the attacks on Gaza and news censorship in Russia.

A GMing first

I have had sessions summarised by GIFs before, but never a cartoon reenactment on TikTok.